Diabetes is a medical condition where the pancreas does not produce enough insulin. The body does not know when to use insulin and hence glucose levels rise up in the blood. The pancreas may also not be able to produce enough insulin to help. This is a serious medical condition.

People with diabetes have to get help from doctors and trained nurses in order to manage their disease properly. They have to be seen and treated at regular intervals. As such, a two-tier system is in place to manage this disease. It is called primary care and it is administered by doctors who specialize in the field of diabetes.

Doctors and nurses who are not specifically trained in the field of diabetes must be regarded as non-medical care providers. They should be employed only as consultants only for those who have no diagnosed diabetes.

However, there are some people who are more vulnerable and require diabetes management more than others. The professionals hired to administer care should try to understand these priorities. That is why they must be consulted at the first signs of complications.

Medical experts have identified the two types of patients for whom primary care physicians must be consulted first: the obese and the diabetic. As far as diabetes is concerned, obesity can be classified as being either of two types: central obesity or being overweight. It is important to note that the latter category includes the heaviest individuals.

Central obesity in which overweight people are considered to be overweight because of their excessive fat deposits on the arms, stomach, and thighs are obese. The other type is diabetes-induced obesity, where people are said to be over-fat because of the process that leads to insulin resistance.

Even if overweight diabetic patients have a sufficient amount of insulin, the level of blood sugar in the blood rises high. Thus, the patient needs insulin injections regularly. He or she also has to keep watch on his or her diet so that he or she doesn’t get extra sugar and fat into the bloodstream by way of taking in unhealthy food.

If the primary care physician suspects that the patient is obese or diabetic, he or she will refer the person to a gynecologist. This is because the gynecologist is familiar with the kind of conditions that cause insulin resistance and also the signs and symptoms that need to be taken seriously. A gynecologist would then refer the obese or diabetic patients to a nutritionist.

Intervention would be initiated only if the patient is under normal weight. The nutritionist will make him or her aware of the foods that should be taken in and the amount of sugar and fat that should be consumed on a daily basis. The patient should also be advised to adopt a healthier lifestyle. He or she will have to stop smoking and drinking.

A biopsy from the patient’s pancreas is necessary to rule out the presence of an endocrine or metabolic disorder like diabetes or chronic kidney disease. Only then will the physician be able to decide what further tests and investigations to perform. When all these tests have been carried out, the doctor will be able to determine if the patient is underweight or overweight.

Diabetes is a complicated and hectic medical condition. If the medical professionals involved in the process of managing diabetes fail to recognize the signs and symptoms of diabetes, the patient can develop diabetes-induced obesity or diabetes.

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